Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming Virtual Workshops

Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 @ 10am CST

Intro to Lifestyle Medicine

In this workshop, we will discuss the six pillars of lifestyle medicine and how to incorporate them into our busy lifestyles without feeling overwhelmed. The six pillars of lifestyle medicine are: A whole food, mostly plant-based diet, physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and positive social connections.  I will take you through some exercises to identify which pillars you are doing well in and which pillars could use some TLC. Then we will create a plan for simple and easy ways to feel more balanced and taken care of in each area without adding to much to your busy schedule. By the end of the workshop you will leave with a concrete plan, some new tools, and a feeling of confidence, focus, and motivation

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Intro to Lifestyle Medicine

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